Yesterday I made the schlepp down to Union Square to drop off my compost. If
you want to compost in NYC and have no access to the outdoors, which is
my predicament, your options are:
A. Get a worm bin, which is reported
by worm bin enthusiasts to not smell or attract vermin, but I'm not
taking the risk, or
B. Put your compostable items in your freezer until
they have reached a sizable package (usually about once or twice a month
in this vegan home) and then carry them to a composting site. I use a
corn-based biodegradable plastic bag to contain my scraps so I can just
dump the whole lot in. You can purchase these bags at most health-food stores. For a complete list of sites which accept compost
(and info on worm bins and everything else you could possibly wish to
know on the topic), click here.
What You Can Compost
things vegetable, no things animal, few things man-made, is the long and
short of it. Fruit and vegetable scraps, coffee grounds (filters too),
and cooked food scraps of a non-meat variety can all be composted.
Anything involving meat or milk, excessively greasy things, and other
non-food garbage, cannot be composted.
Why You Should Compost
once biodegradable waste is mixed in with non-biodegradable waste and
placed in a landfill, it becomes part of the problem and also emits
various undesirable toxins etc contributing to pollution. On the other
hand, if it is made into compost, it enriches the soil which then grows
more food, so it basically becomes the opposite of garbage. This is my
unscientific explanation (for more science see my link above), but the
bottom line is, composting is good for the environment and not
composting is bad for the environment, even if most of what you're
throwing out is, say, banana peels.
Where To Compost
For a
complete list, see here. I go to Union Square, because, alas,
there is not yet composting in the Bronx, and the other sites don't
work with my schedule. While at Union Square I like to pick up some
local, organic produce (although admittedly not much of it. The Union
Square farmer's market is bloody expensive. The LES food co-op has much
better prices, as do the outer borough markets, but few of them sell
Additionally in the Union Square Farmer's Market is
Body and Soul, a small vegan bakery stand with a number of gluten-free
options. They also have a store in Brooklyn. I got a butternut squash
molasses muffin with pecans for $3. It was tasty, but a bit sticky,
which I think is the result of it being oil-free. Often vegan eateries
try to cover a lot of ground at once by making their food low-fat,
gluten-free, vegan, and organic simultaneously. I don't really agree
with this logic: if you're a vegan, you need fat, and many vegans (like
me) eat food with a lot of gluten (bread, seitan, wheat). I'm not sure
that the markets sensibly overlap. But, being that I am too lazy to make
many vegan desserts at home and am a sucker for baked goods, I'm
grateful things like vegan muffins exist, fat-free or not. The muffin
and the general ambience of the market, not to mention my positive impact on the environment, were well worth the trip on the 4
train with rapidly defrosting trash.
Very neat site. Easy to access. Brand new info for me.